"Hypericum" on "watergreen" is their first recording,and esteemed by various people. Mihoyo Tsubokura who is well known as vocalist of suport member of cinq,and uplight bassist Tatsuya Koda,and Junichi Haruki who is engineer and suport member of TELA.1st album of heprcam.COHCOX means "Listen" in Mongolian.
all songs written and composed by Mihoyo and arranged and programed by Tatsuya and Junichi.
Tatsuya Koda and Junichi Haruki plays electronic groove like a wave and Mihoyo Tsubokura sings like a oriental wind.
This album is produced by Masaaki Takemura,a.k.a.cinq
and masterd by Ken'ihi Itoi(PsysEx),art direction by KenIhiro Hoshi(snoweffect).
heprcam plofile
These like the colors of leaves transparant by sun lays,or smells of clean air after the rain,or reverberation of dreams at morning......
the songs and musics like such a delicate and beautiful everyday's phenomenon beyond the expression.
最初にデモCD-Rをもらったときのこと、まだよく覚えてます。手作りの不思議なジャケットの。これはリリースしないと、と思って、今だから言えるけど、勝手にコピーして配ってました。(←ゴメン) プロデューサーっていうより、広報担当ですね。ヒペリカムの音は、エレクトロニカっぽくもあるけど、バンドの音だと思います。適度に尖ってて、だから聞きやすいのかも。穏やかで、強い。